Get Daftingly Lucky !

Guys I have this sneaky feeling that i am one of the last ones to discover this song, but hey I find this song by Daft Punk so super groovy!

“Up all night to get LUCKY!”  Ok hold your neighing horses of imagination there & enjoy the peppiness of the song will you.. Oh please we all know what we all thought so lets just dismiss pretensions here so we may snap fingers & enjoy the super funky music!

How i chanced upon it ? Crazy thing, so i have neighbors who live on the floor above us & are quite loud , annoying,self loathing,world hating but play this song frequently so I half forgive them for all the disturbance, cause them people know their groovy music . (so you know yay! for them too)

Am also loving Soundcloud!! That amazing conglomeration of brilliant people who just make awesme songs better by remixing them!

PS :Yes i am aware i use the word “groovy” from old Archies comics time. But you know what? they haven’t quite come up with an adjective to replace GROOVY!! So Lets stay up all night to ermmm  dance to this song thats so grooovy! (See what i did there ?phew!) Hope you like it as much .Enjoy!!

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