I got sand in my shoes..

So am going to Goa to enjoy Sun,sand & the sound of waves! Super excited!Yay! Am supposed to be packing but am surfing stuff predictably like the net junkie that i am .

dido_20090214_2177I came across this song of Dido’s that i used to hear in school. You can always sing her song with or without instruments. Her voice always conjures up imaginings of a campfire with family & friends , someone on the guitar &  one other singing.Her songs have that earthy, intimate feeling. She seems so real, relatable & easy to love kinda person.

Yeah so am going away for a while & yeah Ill have to return & its so weird that I know this is exactly how i’ll feel when i return. I just like this song cause i know when i get back I’ll be all like – I still got sand in my shoes….” Its like taking a snapshot of the future & seeing it but its Dido so its all good !

Here the Song & below are the lyrics that are just soo spot on!

Two weeks away feels like the whole world should have changed,
But I’m home now, and things still look the same.
I think I’ll leave it ’til tomorrow to unpack,
Try to forget for one night that I’m back in my flat.
On the road where the cars never stop going through the night,
To a life where I can’t watch the sun set.
I don’t have time.
I don’t have time.
Tomorrow’s back to work and down to sanity,
Should run a bath and then clear up the mess i made before i left here.
Try to remind myself that i was happy here,
Before I knew that I could get on a plane and fly away,
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night,
To a life where I can watch the sun set,
And take my time.
Take all my time.

I’ve still got sand in my shoes….

(This before even leaving!! Sighhh… )

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